On April 12, 1985, the New Jersey State Legislature enacted a Law (NJPL 1985, c. 140) providing New Jersey state and local municipal employees the opportunity to contribute to a multitude of charities through the convenience of payroll deduction.
The ECC is the only approved charitable payroll deduction solicitation of state and local municipal employees. This drive supports the work of approved charitable agencies and organizations. These agencies fight disease, make life more meaningful for the young and elderly, assist the impoverished, and help people to become economically self-sufficient.
By combining the major fund-raising appeals of the voluntary agencies included in the ECC, administrative costs are kept to a minimum, thereby ensuring that the largest percent possible of contributions are used to help those in need. Only 10% of the total dollars pledged are used to cover the administrative cost of the ECC. This 10% cap has been determined by the New Jersey State Treasury Department and is overseen by the ECC steering committee, comprised of the participating federated organizations and a labor representative.
Donors are encouraged to designate their contributions to any approved agency. There are strict guidelines and application procedures which must be met in order to become a participating agency. Each year an agency must apply to participate in the ECC.
The Campaign Manager’s office remits designated agency contributions to the appropriate organization. All undesignated funds are distributed among the participating agencies in the same percentage as designated funds, making each gift more cost effective.
The New Jersey Employees Charitable Campaign is an annual giving program designed to empower and engage public employees, enhance communities, and create opportunities for all to thrive.
A dynamic and growing charitable giving campaign through which public employees in New Jersey make meaningful investments in charities serving across the state and beyond.